SIOE 2024 Election Results

By Scott Gehlbach

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s elections to leadership positions within the Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics! The election results represent the diversity of fields that comprise the SIOE community.

Maria Guadalupe, Mark Pathy’89D Chair in Organizational Economics and Productivity at INSEAD, is our new first vice president. After ascending to the position of president-elect (succeeding Pauline Grosjean, who will host the 2025 conference in Sydney), Maria will organize the 2026 conference. Nous attendons avec impatience!

Sascha Becker, the Xiaokai Yang Chair of Business and Economics at Monash University, joins the SIOE leadership track as second vice president this September. In 2027 Sascha will host the annual conference at Warwick, to which he is returning full-time this year.

Finally, Vasiliki Fouka (Stanford University), Talia Gillis (Columbia University), and Marta Reynal-Querol (Barcelona School of Economics) join the board of directors in September. They replace Nathan Nunn, Mariana Prado, and John Wallis, who have served full three-year terms. The full list of officers and board members is available here.

Thanks to Maria, Sascha, Marta, Vicky, and Talia for their service to the Society!