SIOE awards

Since 2014, the Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics has granted awards in institutional and organizational economics, named after four Nobel Prize winners closely linked to the society. The awards are:

  • A Ronald Coase Best Dissertation Award, for the best PhD dissertation in institutional and organizational economics defended during the previous two years.
  • An Oliver Williamson Best Conference Paper Award, for the best paper delivered at the SIOE conference.
  • A Douglass North Best Book Award, for the best published book in institutional and organizational economics published during the previous two years.
  • An Elinor Ostrom Lifetime Achievement Award, for sustained significant academic contributions to the field.

The Ronald H. Coase Dissertation Award:

Ronald H. Coase
  • To be eligible, the candidate’s PhD must have been awarded during the two previous calendar years
  • Nominees must submit a 5-page abstract of their dissertation, and must have their advisor or a Ph.D. committee member send a letter (under separate cover) explaining the contribution of the dissertation and why it should be considered for this award.
  • The Coase Award Committee, a four-member committee selected by and from the Board, will review entries and draft a shortlist of finalists. Finalists will be asked to submit their full dissertation.
  • The winner will be announced at the annual conference.
  • The Ronald H. Coase Best Dissertation Award is an annual award.

The Oliver E. Williamson Best Conference Paper Award:

Oliver E. Williamson
  • The Oliver E. Williamson Best Conference Paper Award is open to all papers individually accepted for presentation and given at SIOE’s annual meeting.
  • A sub-group of four members of the Program Committee will shortlist five papers.
  • The winner will be chosen from the finalists by vote of the entire Program Committee and announced at the annual conference.
  • The Oliver E. Williamson Best Conference Paper Award is an annual award.

 The Douglass North Best Book Award:

Douglass C. North
  • The Douglass North Best Book Award is given to the best book in institutional and organizational economics published during the previous two years.
  • Nominations must refer to books published in English by a recognized press.
  • Nominations may come from any academic other than the author(s) of the work, and must include a letter explaining the reasons for the nomination.
  • Submission material include an electronic copy of the front matter (title page, copyright page, preface, and table of contents).
  • Copies of the top three short-listed books may be requested by the committee from the Press, the author, or the nominator.
  • The North Award Committee, a four-member committee selected by and from the Board, will pick a winner.
  • The winner will be announced at the annual conference.
  • The Douglass North Best Book Award is a bi-annual award, normally given in even years.

The Elinor Ostrom Lifetime Achievement Award:

Elinor Ostrom
  • The Elinor Ostrom Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes scholars who have made a sustained and significant academic contribution to the field of institutional and organizational economics. Open to anyone.
  • The nomination process is open to anyone, including current and former SIOE officers and Board members, as well as members of the broader academic community.
  • Nominations must include an electronic letter detailing the reasons for the nomination and a copy of the CV of the nominated individual.
  • The SIOE Secretary will compile the list of nominations and the winner will be selected by the Board.
  • The Elinor Ostrom Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes is a bi-annual award, normally given in odd years.