SIOE 2025 in August in Sydney

By Pauline Grosjean, Scott Gehlbach, Maria Guadalupe, and Guido Friebel

Dear all,

We are extremely happy to share an important announcement to the SIOE community.

Thank you again for participating in our survey. After careful consideration of the feedback and review of room availability, the dates are set! SIOE will take place in a year from now: Sunday 24-Tuesday 26 August 2025 at UNSW Sydney.

It will be a fantastic event. Andrea Prat (Columbia), Rosalind Dixon (UNSW Law) will give the keynotes and Scott Gehlbach will give the Presidential address.

August (end of winter) is also the best time of year to go to the Great Barrier Reef and Uluru.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in Sydney in a year! We will write back with more detail in due course.

All the best,

Pauline, Scott, Maria, and Guido