CfP: Special Issue on Shocks and Leadership

By Jens Prüfer

Call for submissions for a Special Issue in Leadership Quarterly on "Harnessing Exogenous Shocks for Leadership and Management Research."

Editors: Philippe Jacquart (Emlyon business school), Simone Santoni (City University of London, Cass Business School), Jost Sieweke (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Michael C. Withers (Texas A&M) and Simeon Schudy (LMU Munich).

The call focuses on the exploitation of natural experiments to study leadership-related effects of exogenous shocks and leaders responses to such shocks. The call considers many different facets of leadership and more details can be found here.

If you are testing leadership theories or studying leadership-related effects using exogenous shocks (such as economic crisis, pandemics or sudden policy changes) or if you study how leaders respond to such shocks, please consider submitting your work to the special issue.

Submission deadline: March 15, 2021.