Call for papers

CfP: Workshop on Economics of Institutions at Barcelona Summer Forum

By Giorgio Zanarone

Dear SIOE folks,

please consider submitting a paper to the Workshop on the Economics of Institutions at the Barcelona Summer Forum, which will take place on June 3-4, 2025.

Benito Arrunada, Dean Lueck, Marco Casari and I are the organizers. A detailed...

CfP: Economics of AI Conference (Barcelona, 22 November 2024)

By Ricard Gil

The IESE AI Initiative is organizing a conference on the economics of AI to be held at IESE in Barcelona, Spain, on Friday 22 November.

This program aims to bring together scholars with diverse perspectives to foster a research community interested in studying the...

CfP: Workshop Celebrating 15 Years of Oliver Williamson's Nobel Legacy

By Jens Prüfer

The Paris-Berkeley workshop series has been one of the longer-term academic meetings targeting SIOE's membership and evolving from SIOE members. The 9th edition will take place in Paris on 17/18 October 2024 and focus on the legacy of SIOE Founding Father Oliver...

CfP: Special Issue on Religion and Culture in JHPE

By Jens Prüfer

The Journal of Historical Political Economy has issued a call for papers for a special issue on Religion and Culture. This special issue aims to explore the interplay between political economy, religion, and culture, from the near to distant past – a topic that is...

CfP: "Wars, Economic Sanctions, Economic Behaviors, and Institutions"

By Guido Friebel

The Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization seeks submissions for a special issue on “Wars, economic sanctions, economic behaviors, and institutions”.

The goal of this special issue is to advance our understanding of the causes and consequences of...

Ronald Coase Institute's Webworkshop on Institutional Analysis

By Jens Prüfer

During the pandemic, the Coase Institute is offering a new kind of workshop: online, highly focused, and small - 12 participants and 6 core faculty, plus more faculty to lecture and comment. Details are here.

Date: December 1-8, 2021 Application deadline: October 18...
