By Stéphane Saussier
Just before SIOE 2016 - and thereby easily combinable - a conference on "Contracts, Procurement, and Public-Private Arrangements" will take place at the Sorbonne Business School in Paris. This conference focuses on the recent developments in contract theories. Papers are invited on all topics of contract theories including: Relational contracting, transaction costs, renegotiations, incentives, award mechanisms, incomplete contracting, contract design, benchmarking, privatization, corruption, institutions.
Papers presented may be theoretical or applied. Special attention will be given to proposals addressing issues related to procurement and public-private arrangements. The conference will bring together academics, policymakers and practitioners to discuss those issues. The conference format will be designed to facilitate informal interactions among participants and promote future collaborations.
The submission deadline is March 1st, 2016 - send your paper to Decisions will be announced by March 15th, 2016. Completed drafts of accepted papers are due by May 25th, 2016.
Keynote speakers
- Sylvain Chassang - Professor of Economics, Princeton University
- Alexander Galetovic - Professor of Economics, U. de Los Andes, Chile