Hart - Holmström - Gibbons - Lafontaine: the video

By Jens Prüfer

Imagine two scholars of organizational economics had just won the Nobel Prize and SIOE would like to celebrate that event. What to do? Obviously, you would want the laureates to speak about their work and, in particular, to sketch areas of promising future research. But as this is SIOE, you would also want to ask them to give a more personal note, telling how they got into this specific topic (say, the theory of the firm and incentive theory). Then you would want to embed these remarks in comments by other senior scholars, who could reflect both the academic and the personal dimension of the laureates' addresses, rounded up by a discussion involving the audience.

So much for the theory of event planning. Now, in our video channel you can view the realization of the scheme, which occurred on June 25 in the concluding session of this year's annual conference. Bentley MacLeod makes the start explaining the stage order with names, all packed in a 100 minute show:

1. Bernard Salanié

2. Oliver Hart

3. Bengt Holmström

4. Bob Gibbons

5. Francine Lafontaine

6. Oliver Hart

7. Bengt Holmström

This session was one of the alltime-highlights of SIOE/ISNIE conferences. It is highly recommended watching for anybody with an interest in IOE, containing lots of big and small insights (e.g. Oliver Hart's intuitive introduction to the art of economic modeling) --- and a bit of gossip.