ISNIE/SIOE Nobel laureates

Hart - Holmström - Gibbons - Lafontaine: the video

By Jens Prüfer

Imagine two scholars of organizational economics had just won the Nobel Prize and SIOE would like to celebrate that event. What to do? Obviously, you would want the laureates to speak about their work and, in particular, to sketch areas of promising future research. But...

On Giants' Shoulders

By Marian Moszoro

"Birds of a feather flock together," goes the saying. At ISNIE/SIOE, it fits perfectly to its commencement and further development. The Society’s first two presidents were Nobel laureates in economics at the time they served—Ronald Coase won the prize in 1991 and Douglass North in 1993—and the third president, Oliver Williamson, received the award some years later in 2009. Also Elinor Ostrom, a co-recipient with Williamson of the distinction, was an active member of ISNIE.