Barcelona Summer Forum

CfP: Workshop on Economics of Institutions at Barcelona Summer Forum

By Giorgio Zanarone

Dear SIOE folks,

please consider submitting a paper to the Workshop on the Economics of Institutions at the Barcelona Summer Forum, which will take place on June 3-4, 2025.

Benito Arrunada, Dean Lueck, Marco Casari and I are the organizers. A detailed...

CfP: Organizational Economics Workshop at Barcelona Summer Forum

By Giorgio Zanarone

The organizational economics workshop at the Barcelona Summer Forum, now in its 7th year of life, has become a key European forum for scholars interested in organizational economics. In the spirit of SIOE, this year there will be an additional and related workshop in...

Call for Papers: Workshop in Organizational Economics (Barcelona)

By Giorgio Zanarone

As part of the Barcelona Summer Forum, we are inviting submissions for the Workshop in Organizational Economics.

The workshop will run for 2 days and will take place on June 17-18, 2021 in Barcelona. We welcome empirical and theoretical submissions of...